Night running


とつぜんsuddenlyにも upside down
Suddenly things are upside down
世界はかわりchangeだすbeginning tobeggining to change The world begins to change
いのりprayとどかないNo ser entregado / No llegar a su destino Even my prayers cannot be heard
僕がかわりだす I begin to change
いみmeaningもとめてfindはしりcorrerつつめcontinuar (forma simple)keep running I want to find meaning and so I keep running
じぶんがuno mismo / yo誰かalguien/algunoわからなくNo entender / No comprenderなるconvertirse / llegar a serdon't know I don't know who I am anymore
なきそうparecer que va a llorar だけどbut まけperder たくないno querer から"porque" / [indica razón o justificación] I am going to cry but I don't want to lose
おしえて Please tell me
よるnightはせるcorrer (a caballo) / acelerar / perseguir con entusiasmo この ゆらめきとshimmery light A shimmery light runs across the sky at night
おもいideaままにvoluntad"a su antojo" / "según lo que uno siente o desea en ese momento" とびjump / flyまわって[expresa la idea de moverse libremente]fly around Let us fly around as we desire
もっとmore じゆうにfreely かけて"correr" / "galopar" いこう[forma conjugada de 行く (ir)] let's run Let us run with more freedom from now on
ほしstarsみあげてさlook up Look up at the stars
いっしょうone lifetime ぼんおworth of ups and downs A lifetime's worth of ups and downs
世界は うどきmovement だすbeginning to begins to move The word begins to move
いたみpainとまらないnot stop The pain does not stop
かくせいしてwake up [て form] とびjump / flyだせsalirbegin to fly / "salir volando" Wake up and begin to fly
いみmeaning もなくwithout no reason またcontinue (again / "de nuevo") はしりrunning つづけてcontinue (keep / "seguir") "corriendo sin parar" We continue to run for no reason
おわりendみえないno ver / no conocer たびjourneyつずけるcontinue A journey with no ends continues
きらめくsparkling ように[partícula que indica similitud o comparación] 世界を みたいsee (conditional form) から"razón o causa" (desde) Because we want to see the world in a sparkling night
おしえて Please tell me
よるnightはせるcorrer (a caballo) / acelerar / perseguir con entusiasmo この ゆらめきとshimmery light A shimmery light runs across the sky at night
おもいのままにとびまわって Let us fly around as we desire
さいごまではしりきったら If run right until the end
ぼくらはとうなるの? What will become of us?
いつかまたこのばしょにたって Someday we will stand at this place once again
なんどでもたちがるきっと For sure we will stand up again and again
さいごまでみとどけてずっと We will watch it will the end
じゆうにいきてたい I want to live freely
いみmeaningもとめてfindはしりcorrerつつめcontinuar (forma continua)keep running I want to find meaning and so I keep running
じぶんがuno mismo / yo誰かalguien/algunoわからなくNo entender / No comprenderなるconvertirse / llegar a serdon't know I don't know who I am anymore
なきそうparecer que va a llorar だけどbut まけperder たくないno querer から"porque" / [indica razón o justificación] I am going to cry but I don't want to lose
おしえて Please tell me
Practice translation by Alexa